Today's Umm Queis lies directly on the eastern edge of Gadara
Situated on a mountain spur and surrounded by ridges, lies the Decapolis city of Gadara, looking westward over the Jordan Valley, to the striking mountain and monastery on the Tabor. To the southwest, on the easternmost tip of the Gilboa ridge, is the crusader castle of Belvoir. Towards the north, the yarmuk, the ancient Hieromykes, cuts deeply into the landscape, separating Gadara from the heights of the Golan,which rising up immediately on the other side of the river. In the river valley, 500 meters lower, are the baths Gadara (Hamat Gader) with its healing sulphurous thermal springs. These sources were already mentioned in the Bible, as was the area around Gadara, that of the Gadarenes.
(single carousel: gadara2.jpg, gadara3.jpg, gadara4.jpg)
This City forms the end of the Qanat Fir'aun and so here is not only an efficient irrigation infrastructure, but there are also a variety of cisterns, fountains, water distributor and at least one nymphaeum available.

Of the two theaters in Gadara is the smaller but much better preserved, the western Theatre. This provides a spectacular view at sunset, as the sun, of course, depending on the season almost goes down directly over the mountain Tabor, beyond the Jordan Valley in Israel (maybe the biblical place of the Sermon on the Mount).

To the northwest lies the Sea of Galilee at the feet of Gadara, recognizable on the west bank of Tiberias and at the southern end El Kerak, the old Sennabris and the greek City ofPhiloteria. On the fields of Hattin lying behind the western ridge of the lakeshore, the crusaders was defeated by Saladin.(single carousel: gadara1.jpg, gadara5.jpg, gadara6.jpg, gadara7.jpg)