This wadi is also called Wadi Samar in the lower course.
Here we can find 2 different aqueduct in qanat-construction made with mining techniques.
Starting from the two tunnels in Gadara and its previous interpretation, the upper qanatroute has always been referred to as the younger one and the lower one as the elder one. Furthermore, they are called in some literature as Qanat Turab (below) and Qanat Fir'aun (above). Based on the building condition, parallels were made to the Gadaren tunnels. Thus, the state of construction of the upper Qanatsystem is characterized by consistently open construction shafts, sometimes very roughly hewn tunnel sections which are sometimes inclined against the supposed flow direction and are mostly unpaved. Several geological inevitable situations, or situations appearing as general construction errors, lead to tunnel heights of 5m with a demonstrably doubled cut out profile. A few kilometers farther, this Qanat opposite Samar comes to light and shows us a very narrow section of only 50 cm wide and about 80 cm high.
The thesis that one can deduce the belonging of the Qanat Fir'aun arriving from the east from the outer shape of the construction shaft, can not be maintained. Both on the eastern route as well as in the area of Wadi Ain et Turab, various cross-sections inside, construction shaft sizes or starting levels for the shafts can be demonstrated for both Qanatsystems.
The following pictures should briefly show you the multitude of discovered construction shafts only of the upper Qanatroute.

Expediently are only c14 determinations, or other archaeological evidences. Another important clue is the comparison of the way in which they are routed, the relationship between the two Qanatsystems and the Qanat Fir'aun route arriving from the east (Syria).
Further information, theses and questions concerning the second water system can be found under the following link the second Qanatsystem available in Wadi Ain et Turab
After reaching the watershed between Ibdar and Malka, the Qanat Fir'aun continues west towards Gadara. -link to the next section-