and after the bridge over the Wadi edh Dahab,
the Qanat Fir'aun runs around the lower level north of Dera'a, heading east and then approaching from the north the village of Nueme. Crossing the old Roman road, the main pipe ran towards the Jisr el Mesari bridge. The sub pipe ran parallel to the road towards the "pharaos tower" as a pressure pipe. From there, it ran across the bridge into the valley to the nymphaeum "Hammam Siknany".

Indeed, this described aqueduct route is the actual Qanat Fir’aun which is also proven by the height data. This route is also proven by various travel descriptions with appropriate information. (Freshfield 1869, Baedeker 1875)
Here again, the distance of 45min from Dera'a is given; even if it is clearly referred to the road to Bosra on which one "met" or passed the Qanat Fir'aun; as well as D.Freshfield spoke about it in recognition of the vast dimensions of the Jisr el Mesari Bridge, or Wetzstein about a "bold bridge". Apparently without any measurement, he estimated the bridge height at 80 feet, which equals 24.3m height. Since the altitude above the Wadi ez Zedi ground is very similar at Wetzstein (40 cubits, expressed at that time, equals 55-60 cm), in summary, a prescription by Wetzstein can be conjectured.
As it become clear from the context, he has never actually seen remnants of such a bridge in the western direction; and considering the actual height of the aqueduct, as well as the topography of the Zedi valley, a bridge of that height could not have been existed either.
But maybe only different stories have been accidentally mixed with Wetzstein. The same is true for the first, but also very poetic described at Wetzstein underground refugee cities of the population, with entire squares, market stalls and streets, which, according to G. Schumacher oversize with an average of 12 m² for the squares and 50-60 cm width and 80-120 cm height in reality but quite small exceptions.
It is clear from the old aerial photographs, the calculated digital altitude models and the entries in the travel descriptions that the Qanat Fir'aun, in its original version, was led around Dera'a in the northeastern direction. It is out of the question that the aqueduct system mentioned by G. Schumacher and approached from the northwest of the village of Otaman directly south to Dera'a, was a third separate system, which can only be temporal arranged after the Qanat Fir'aun. It is possible that this pipe transported the surplus water to the ancient Adraha, after a collapse of the Jisr el Mesari possibly had happened. For details, see "Adraha's pressure line" (Direct to Adraha's pressure line).
You reach the original main line of the aqueduct and the large bridge Jisr el Mesari over the deep valley of the Wadi ez Zedi here!